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Storystock Festival 2014, Drawing Masterclass, London…

I'll be doing a drawing masterclass (a what?) for 7-11 year olds at Storystock Festival at Bush House, London. It's part of the The Big Draw Campaign for Drawing 2014. There will be a lot of drawing, ink and white acrylic paint, and moving pictures projected by a magic lantern. Everyone will be drawing and you can ask questions about books and how to make them. You don't even have to put your arm up, you can just yell out. I hope to see you there. PLUS : there's a lucky dip for a ubiquitous Specially-Inscribed-By-The-Illustrator-Carry-About-On-Your-Person-Notebook. And maybe a pencil.

We'll have a lucky dip for this handy notebook:

We'll have a lucky dip for this handy notebook: